Next-Gen Power and Capability

Powered by a range of New and Improved Engines A powerful new premium 3.0-litre V6 turbo-diesel optional engine headlines a range of new and improved diesel powertrains.
Ford Next-Gen Power and Capability Ford Next-Gen Power and Capability
  • Smart efficient powertrains

    More powertrain choices than ever with new engine and transmission combinations delivering increased power and more torque. Plus, impressive fuel economy and emissions.

  • Enhanced towing experience

    Ranger’s improved towing experience and impressive payload capabilities are enhanced with a raft of new driver-assist technologies. Details to be released soon.

E-shifter and Selectable Drive Modes

Ranger’s E-Shifter brings a new level of high-tech control to your fingertips. In addition to 4×4 modes, new Selectable Drive Modes optimise performance for different surfaces, road conditions and vehicle usage.
Ford E-shifter and Selectable Drive Modes Ford E-shifter and Selectable Drive Modes

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